June 2, 2022


We all know that it is the little things that complement every experience. Sleep is no exception either. Depending on the technology you choose, we make different types of pillows.

Based on your needs, we make cut pillows of different shapes, molded pillows derived by pouring foam into various molds, or classically shaped pillows filled with memory and standard foam flakes.

Although they significantly differ by hardness and properties, molded pillows and those cut from a block have certain advantages and are produced in multiple forms. The most popular are contour pillows and “soap” shaped pillows, but the assortment is significantly wider.

In our assortment, you can find ergonomically shaped pillows, lumbar pillows, neck travel pillows, anti-snore, pillows intended for people who sleep exclusively on their side, and other kinds. In addition to different dimensions and heights, you can also choose pillows with other uses, such as decorative ones, for sitting or pillows for pregnant women and babies.