HealthCare Europe na sastanku sa predsednikom Republike Srbije
Generalni direktor kompanije HealthCare Europe gospodin Cheng Xiaojun prisustvovao je radnom ručku koji je priredio predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić za predstavnike kineskih kompanija koje posluju u našoj zemlji.
Predsednik Vučić se na vojoj zvaničnoj Instagram stranici zahvalio kineskim prijateljima i partnerima na saradnji, zajedničkoj viziji i pomoći koju su pružali Srbiji i u najtežim vremenima, kako tokom pantemije kovida, tako i tokom tekuće energetske krize.
Kompanija HealthCare Europe DOO u Srbiji posluje od 2012.godine, kao ćerka kompanija kineskog giganta HealthCare Co. Ltd, a trenutno imamo čak 600 zaposlenih u fabrici koja se prostire na više od 60.000 m².
HealthCare Europe at the working meeting with the President of Serbia
The General Director of HealthCare Europe, Mr. Cheng Xiaojun, attended the working lunch organized by the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, for representatives of Chinese companies operating in our country.
On his official Instagram page, President Vučić thanked Chinese friends and partners for the cooperation, common vision and help they provided to Serbia even in the most difficult times, both during the Covid pandemic and the current energy crisis.
The company HealthCare Europe DOO has been established in Serbia since 2012, as a daughter company of the Chinese giant HealthCare Co. Ltd, and currently we have as many as 600 employees in a factory that covers more than 60,000 m².